DG, NCSP Hold Talks on Investment Opportunities with Huawei Technologies

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DG, NCSP Hold Talks on Investment Opportunities with Huawei Technologies

By Fly Cable News

The Director General of Nigeria-China Strategic Partnership (NCSP), Joseph Tegbe, in his continuous efforts for the technological advancement of the country, held investment discussions with the leadership team of Huawei Technologies to enhance collaboration towards the digital transformation of Nigeria.

This was at the technical sessions of the 2025 Mobile World Congress (MWC), where Tegbe and members of his delegation from Nigeria participated.

Discussions were held with Mr Tony Bao, Huawei Vice President and Mr Hover Gao, President Sub-Saharan Africa Region. At the meeting, Huawei Technologies restated its commitment to support Nigeria in the acceleration of the country’s digital transformation.

Tegbe also harped on the need to balance innovation and risk that Artificial Intelligence (AI) presents in the new world order. He averred that while innovation should be fully encouraged, guiding regulations and policies must be flexible and adaptable.

The annual event, which is the ultimate confluence of technology, people, and ideas, creates the blueprint for future industries and societies, and the NCSP team’s participation presents opportunities for a deeper understanding of an array of solutions and capabilities of Huawei Technologies.

Tegbe’s role as the NCSP boss signals the country’s commitment to maximising the vast opportunities between both Nigeria and China. It is pivotal to enhancing bilateral cooperation in key sectors, such as trade, investment, infrastructure, technology, and foreign policy.

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